Contract 12B for the WHCRWA included 12, 16, 20 and 24-inch waterlines to service Jackrabbit Road Public Utility District water plants No. 3 and No. 4. The project included a combination of open cut and trenchless construction technologies through open areas, residential streets and the crossings of two high traffic thoroughfares. SEC prepared the preliminary and final design, project specifications, final engineering report, final cost estimates and engineering services during construction. Additionally, SEC identified and prepared the easement descriptions required on behalf of the utility district. The project is located in west Harris County and included approximately 9,400 linear feet of waterline and appurtenances. The construction cost for the project was $2,444,000, there were no change orders.
Client: WHCRWA
Project Manager: Erik Miller, P.E.
Project Location: Houston, TX
Project Cost: $2,444,000